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Fake it 'till You Make It


In the age of social media, I must say, there are some really pretty motherfuckers out there. Really and truly, but with that also comes the thief of joy. 

These days I can't go on any social media app without comparing myself to the 12/10 BBL baddies on TikTok who have probably used an app to make their asses fatter than they really are. Even though I am fully aware of this, comparison never leaves the chat.  

I know that I am wonderfully and fearfully made. I know that I have a 10/10 personality. I know whoever ends up with me is going to be the luckiest man on Earth, but none of this stops me from thinking that I could be doing more to make myself look better. Should I get my hip dips filled? Are my lips big enough? How do I get in touch with Ari the Don's surgeon? Which out of my tax bracket products are the rich and famous using on their face? HOW CAN I LOOK LIKE KIM K? LOL, kidding guys. I'm black. Kim K wants to look like me - well not anymore lol.

Anyways, I really came here to say that comparison is the biggest thief of joy and we must fake it till we make it. There really is no point in spending so much time over-analysing yourself and making yourself feel small because of one IG babe who you're never going to look like. You too are also wonderfully and fearfully made. What you think you lack could be someone's favourite thing about you.

Thus, leading us to faking it 'til we make it. It has truly been ruff ryders anthem for me this year in all aspects of my life but if you don't laugh, you'll cry. Sometimes the best thing in life is to live in a state delusion. I truly believe  I am a 10/10 not because I actually am one (which I am), but because I must be my number one fan. You might not believe it when people say you're pretty, or you're beautiful but if you hear it enough times, you'll start to believe it too, so why not start with yourself?  

External validation is never the answer, unless its coming from a Bezos/Musk bloodline. Otherwise, you better believe that you are one of one. The only one. God ain't make nobody like you so better start acting like it!


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