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With the season of wearing less and going out more fast approaching, I feel it’s important to acknowledge the ever-expanding beauty standard which I personally think does not need to exist. Why are we being held to a ‘standard’ which not even the people who have infiltrated them can meet?

Take the Kardashians/Jenners for example. Some would say they’re the ‘blueprint’ (LOOL), or in other words they are what a lot of people aspire to look like. Small waist, slim legs, big butt, flat stomach blah blah blah. However, like many other people in the public eye, the Kardashians/Jenners also do not meet the 'standards' they are now infamous for. Khloe Kardashian released a statement not too long ago about having to be in the public eye and the pressure she has to deal with due to this, and also due to constantly being compared to her sisters and ultimately what that does for her self-esteem. Whilst I can empathise with her on feeling insecure in regard to her body etc, I think celebrities should do more to be transparent with the work they have had done and to also stop the photoshop - that curved curtain ain't fooling nobody. 

How long did it take for Kylie to admit that she had lip fillers and how many people on vine were doing crazy shit to try and achieve the her ‘natural’ lip look. How many children, young adults, and fully grown adults are struggling with body dysmorphia and body confidence and are doing crazy shit in an attempt to achieve a body that isn't actually achievable without surgery.

Sometimes I wish social media was not such a prominent force in today’s society, because people would really give less of a fuck about comparing themselves to next man and or would just look at themselves with a little more love.

Please note, in no way am I bashing or diminishing anyone who chooses to get plastic surgery, if that’s what’ll make you feel good about yourself then I am in no position to judge, but the premise of my point being, comparison is the thief of joy; it's okay to not like the way that you look but it's also okay to love the way that you look.

The journey so self-love is not easy but I hope for those who are reading know that someone out there is going to love you even if your back is flat or you have a receding hairline. You might not be where you want to be but you’ll learn to love you for you one day.

P.S. wear what you want this summer.


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