2020 tried but we bad, you can’t kill us. If this year has taught me anything it’s that we must really appreciate everything we have regardless of where we wish we were or where we wish we could be. The way life has been life’ing this year has really highlighted my personal growth and cemented more of what I want to aspire to in this life. We have loved and lost. We have mourned. We have grown. We wish things could have happened differently but despite all of this, we are still alive. The little things really go a long way and we are so so blessed to be in the positions we are in; food on the table, a roof over our heads and loved ones around us. I know this isn’t the same for everyone and I hope and pray God shields and guides those who have been hit with hardship this year. I remember before I graduated, I was like yep, I’m gonna move here, gonna get a job here, gonna do this and this, but they say when you make plans God laughs and that could not have been any more appli...