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You're doing amazing sweetie !

2020 has really come out to be the year we least expected in somewhat all aspects of our lives. We have lost, we have mourned, we have struggled, and some of us think the worst is yet to come because the year isn’t over yet. We think we can do better; the light at the end of the tunnel is a lot further away than we might have initially perceived.

The increased levels of uncertainty which have been escorted by this year have only added to already existing feelings of anxiety, depression, and added amounts of pressure to pattern everything. The reality of it is, there is still four months left of this year. Which means there is still four months left to pattern what you want to, secure the bag, slide into someone’s dm’s, and bettering yourself in ways you didn’t think you could.

I know a lot of people have said that covid has been a blessing in disguise and the TL has told everyone that you should have done something worthy during lockdown, but we don’t all have the same reality. The revelations of a pandemic have meant different things for everyone; troubles in finance, trouble getting childcare, rent to pay whilst being furloughed, celebrities being outed as paedophiles and a change in regular scheduled programming

As a believer of Christ, I believe that God does not lack; what will be for you, will come to you. The going has gotten tough but don’t be too hard on yourself. God doesn’t align everyone with the same path because we’re not all destined to do the same thing. Some of what is happening to you in this life is part of growing pains which SUCKS but the best is truly yet to come! Just be patient.


You’re doing amazing sweetie!


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