The term ‘blackfishing’ is a term used to describe those who fake tan to a point where they could pass for another race. Blackfishing is a topic of discussion which contaminates the world wide web and is just a modernised way of executing blackface; its often escorted by an immense about of obtuseness. Contrary to belief, the problem is not premised in the fact that you’re using fake tan. The problem is premised on the fact that they're culturally appropriating Black skin. Nobody ever wants to admit that they’re trying to achieve a specific aesthetic and there’s always bare excuses for why tanning to try and attain racial ambiguity isn’t something we should be about, but never any accountability. If I had £1 for every time fiat 500 twitter told us to get over it, I would be able to donate more to the movement than Virgil Abloh.
The hair. The hair, the hair, the hair. Schools, for a very long time, have been enabled to police our trims and police our natural hair. They’ve been able to tell us what can’t run and what hairstyles are merely ‘tolerable’ in order to aid our education, but how does a haircut impact our educational climate. How can one be put into isolation because their trim is ‘too short’? On top of that, what gives white counterparts the right to treat our hair as if it’s a foreign object? Everyday “can I touch your hair” but never “how do you take your reparations”? The inquisition of Black hair can actually be answered by google and YouTube. It’s not our job to make you feel better about patronising us when the world wide web can answer all of your questions. Ignorance is bliss but the internet is actually free.
So, on top of the racial ambiguity, the focus on our hair also introduces the very large focus and fetish on Black men, mostly by white women. More time these white women are an epitome of ignorance to the highest degree and can’t really seem to comprehend any other than what’s under them grey sweatpants. People really are so desperate to have Biracial children but wouldn’t know where to start when it comes to your children's curls. It’s all well and good opening your mouth for Black dick but what are you going to do to ensure that your children know who they are and know that you’re going to protect them?
To close this episode of microaggressions, I would also like to add that being surprised at a Black person being articulate and well-spoken is in no way a compliment. It never has been, and it never well be. What do you want us to say after you’ve said ‘you don’t all sound like that, you must be one of the good ones’. For those who question our literacy, please tell us how you would like us to speak. Better yet, tell us why it’s so shocking that a Black person uses better English than you. Furthermore, the term ‘coconut’ and or ‘oreo’ is often derived from being well-spoken and articulate but what does that term actually mean? What does it mean to be Black on the outside and white on the inside? How are Black people supposed to behave? What is it that you expect us to say or do to fit a rhetoric you’ve made up to fit your own ignorant narrative on Black people?
Believe it or not, we are not all the same. We aren’t all related and we don’t all know each other. Individualism is very prevalent so please refrain from boxing us all together because we are INDIVIDUALS. The same as everyone else.
To conclude, if the shoe fits, I take reparations via bundles, bank transfer and or PayPal.
P.S. do better.
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