I’ve been trying to refrain from writing anything for the best part of this lockdown due to my mental health being in the gutter, but with lockdown easing in a few days, I think it might induce high serotonin levels of the entirety of the UK. I can only speak for myself, but this lockdown has truly been the toughest one of them all. I feel like with the other two it was just all up in the air; the first one was completely unknown to us, the second one was like ok no direction just vibes, but THIS ONE has been a true testament to the attachment I have to planet earth. I think sometimes when the tough times LAST, you begin to question yourself and your feelings and for me it only makes things worse. Pre-covid if we were having bad days we could take ourselves on dates, go for dinner with a friend, literally everything we have currently not been permitted to do and tbh not being able to cheer yourself up sucks. Ordering clothes ain't doing it for me like it used to (hasn't stop...